Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The left here in the US (though this does seem to be an international problem currently, get it together people) is electorally weak. This is not controversial to say yet there are reasons given to waive away why as to not work through it which is massively unhelpful. The lacking and weakness is not merely due to liberal establishment, media, and money. It's also not because the people who always vote in primaries are generally moderate and have digested the dominant cultural messaging that things can only get better increment by increment. To also note about these set of voters they mostly grew up in a world where they have prospered in ways Millennials and Gen Z's current material conditions will not allow. This is the current tension of the economy conversation and people who don't think inflation is a big deal. They are voters of or near a retirement age, going to be grandparents soon, and people who have gained themselves in the comfortable middle class setting and up. They may not like when conservatives say the bootstraps message but they themselves believe that's how they got by in their own personal lives. So while there are significant challenges for the left on an electoral level these reasons are not the sole blame of the left's electoral weakness.

Simply in large organized numbers the left here don't have the drive of right wing Evangelicals to get it done. And I get that sounds like bootstraps logic, yet what can I go by other than years long observations, readings, and the messy reality? The left here would and will never be as well funded as the right wing Evangelicals, but the energy and goals to drive it home above all no matter losses and displeasures is not there. I think a big mistake in hindsight (or I was thinking it at least in 2019 when Bernie had a heart attack) was looking for a savior. That's a terrible strategy. It's fatal to any movement. Hinging on a 'it's only Bernie or we are all fucked message' was a mess and deathblow. The other side of it was a mess to ignore all the weaknesses of a man who was born a compromiser and institutionalist who is thirty years out of date within the current political landscape before 2020. 

Yet Covid was the mask ripped off even more than Trump himself. It's a shame. Young people saw people throw them away from government level all the way down to their community, family and friends in the pandemic and you are asking them if they feel ok about the world and the state of things? But somehow no one is allowed to discuss this. Young people being sleepwalked into the message 'it's ok to let the rights of your body anatomy and reproductive capabilities go and into the hands of the state to be monitored, terrorized, surveillance and your family, friends, loved ones forced into giving birth' because the left and liberal divide can't organize consistently together on the scale needed. The spirited political calling and drive of the Evangelical death cult and the right wing Christians with the hand of the randomness of life circumstance of place and time has rewarded them. Yet many will never put two and two together but find time to complain 24/7. So much malpractice but we all have to get up the next day. Not that dropping out of society altogether isn't an enticing idea at this point but they don't make it an affordable option. What a scam.