Monday, June 17, 2024

Been meaning to write out a longer thing on here (while taking notes personally) of how around the past six months I've been noticing all these big names lining up to eat Trump's dirt. Many I believe are being paid off for it but regardless their collaborators. However I did want to note one piece of shit that came out unmasked I just saw. This guy Logan Paul, a social media persona turned wrestler had Trump on his podcast and pretty obviously endorses him without spelling it out. I guess it makes sense for Paul, the person who had a sociopathic desire to film a dead body for content in a forest known for people who take their own lives, would relish in the grotesque by posing with a maniacal big league sociopath. Remember Trump got about eight people killed connected to Jan. 6th? No? I bet many don’t as it’s rarely brought up even with MSNBC’s incessant coverage of the topic. Which yes you should care about Jan. 6th if you are a leftist it’s not just lib stuff. What has gotten into some of you? The parallels of 1930s Germany creep in and yet so many seem to not hear its warning cries.

Too bad Biden and the Democrats don't use this info of Trump’s right there connection to getting people killed on Jan. 6th in their ads. Maybe it's legal reasons? Likely not though. I feel the Democrats think hitting their opponents and bringing them to the floor is not appropriate. But that’s what people like about Trump and it goes great with his longtime connection to the world of a sport that metaphorically is grinding people into the dirt and ruling over them.

All these celebrities laughing along and getting hard imagining the dollars and back door access to an authoritarian regime is quite sickening but nothing new in history. The peasants who will get crushed will keep buying these ghouls products and consuming their entertainment skills.