Friday, June 7, 2024

Read a devastating breakdown of the loss of the political fire of the working class in Germany before Hitler rose to power thanks to the Social Democrats and the Communists political parties inabilities to work together. Prior I have heard that it was the Social Democrats fault and some in the present day claimed that’s why liberals overall can’t be trusted. But I guess it was a miscalculating disaster of a thousand cuts on both sides. So it’s interesting to read and find out plenty of blame to go around, not just those liberals who happen to ruin everything who are actually fascists so don’t talk to them. Great strategy. The piece goes into this same arguments I hear online that was in Germany’s past that helped doom it.

The parallels to the current online liberal and left fighting, and left infighting here today is uncanny and frightening. I say online because I’m not in offline spaces politically though seems it’s irl as well. What’s also scary is that the Social Democrats thought they could be the adults in the room and be the equivalent of writing very strongly worded condemnations to stave off fascists dreams and work in bi-partisan utopia till things came back chugging along economically. 'The institutions will protect us in the end.’ Mmm sounds like a current political party today in power.


This piece was written in 1993 and it cites a disturbing poll that one in three Americans were basically susceptible into believing six million Jewish people did not die in the Holocaust. They polled high school students as well, half whom did not feel they knew enough about the Holocaust. One would think older people must have known better yet in the polling they found this an issue with older people as well, it was all dependent on how educated a person was. 

Now over thirty years later we have one of the most famous entertainers on the planet being a fan of Hitler and vocalizing Holocaust denialism on a show whose host is a grifting sociopath who put Sandy Hook denialism out into the world. Don’t believe either of their apologies. And in the disaster of American politics a person who is running for governor is a Holocaust denier and he is the state's current Lieutenant Governor. And don't forget the massively bitter TERF billionaire children's author who questioned Holocaust history. 

History doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes, it cries a river.

“The History Behind The Holocaust” Nathan Karp