Tuesday, June 11, 2024

"AI products like ChatGPT much hyped but not much used, study says" 28 May 2024 By Tom Singleton, Technology reporter

"Large parts of the public are not particularly interested in generative AI, and 30% of people in the UK say they have not heard of any of the most prominent products, including ChatGPT," Dr Fletcher said."


Mmm I wonder why🧐🤔

Maybe people are interested in communicating with one another and finding out information from other humans. Novel idea! Have you heard of reddit by any chance and seen how people use it? People are not just interested in what living people have to say but the dead also! They are more interested in this instead of asking an automated machine response. Why is this? Because simply people like being informed by other people or communicating with them in some form 90% of the time. We have been programmed by evolution to seek communication with one another. Even the most solitary introvert finds themself happy among things humans have created. 

Who could have predicted this? 🙈🙉🙊🙋

Don't worry they will be asking people to help them soon enough to "assist" where people and AI can converge but you can't tell the audience/consumers because they won’t like it. 

So they will want to hire the people to make the machine communications mimc being “human” 🫠

Don’t worry they will be pouring billions of dollars to fix this and shove more AI down our throats as the oceans warm and rise, the tornados pick up speed and geography, and the forests burn and choke the air because the tech gods of progress said so.