Saturday, June 8, 2024

Heard that Alex Jones is selling off his ranch to escape the blood money he made and money he owes terrorizing Sandy Hook survivor parents. I have been waiting for over a decade to see this man's collapse and become a full-time social pariah. Hasn't happened enough. Going to CVS a few months ago I saw a young man around nineteen or a little older wearing an InfoWars shirt and that kind of sad and deep loner gaze in his eyes, so Jones still has the people he has infected amongst the population going about day to day drunk on the poison. One of the biggest issues of his notoriety and place in the public sphere is unfortunately due to a very popular big dummy conspiracy brained meathead energy podcaster always giving him cover. Anyone who considers Jones a friend is not to be trusted. I have no idea why this isn't a redline for people with all this other podcaster's bullshit controversies this one has for some reason been lower than the others or not on the radar at all. Those blackpill intellectually frail nazi tradcath podcast duo also had Jones on. All shits and giggles with these kinds of people who are entertainers and reactionaries not counter culture thinkers and subversive voices speaking to uncomfortable truths. All the people slobbering over these charlatans in their orbits from all industries boggles my mind. A wide range (some don't cross over to note but they are part of the universe) from John Waters to Aaron Rodgers, The Rock to Chloe Sevigny to even Stanley Kubrick's daughter. Did you know Alice Walker once mentioned Jones? God kill us already. This culture has no resistance to egotistical bullshit it craves it.