Wednesday, June 26, 2024

 I swear if some on the fucking OP-ed authoring online left are working on writing another damn think piece ignoring abortion as a working class issue🤬 

ABORTION IS KITCHEN TABLE ISSUES! It is economics! It’s the MOST kitchen table issue ever. Attaining and acquiring reproductive freedom is freedom and liberation from the government ruling over your life and the lives of those you care about. That provides self determination and dignity for people’s own choices and to live life on their own terms not the ruling class’s and certainly not the government dictating it.

Isn’t this a part of working class consciousness? I think the working class would like that message. Why can't some people push this through their class first filter instead of whining about it being a culture war issue? I don’t trust your analysis if that is what you have concluded about abortion and reproductive rights from the past two years. I don’t think your advice is something full and foundational in the long term ignoring this. But sure act like you know because of where you are published and who you know on the circuit. The worst is not that you are charlatans because that's not the problem, you're not. It's worse, you're cowards.