Thursday, April 25, 2024

 The real test of an assimilation and falling in line with fascism is not Donald Trump it’s Israel’s genocide on Gaza. Trump is easy to resist, he’s child’s play. It’s frightening yes there are children who do want to play happily with him. Excusing almost all hospitals being bombed, mass graves, the propaganda of ‘infants are only being executed in people’s arms because Hamas is holding them as they pint the gun at the bare IDF who does not want to kill anyone’, people eating grass, tens of thousands of people dead, organs stolen, people in mass graves whose heads are found decapitated, surgical tools reused, no anesthesia, doctors executed, the stop flow of humanitarian aid. If you are on the side making excuses for Ella this you wouldn’t last a day resisting under a real fascist regime. You’d fall in line.