Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I don't know how as photographers we are suppose to make sense of the world anymore. Our placement, intentions, feelings of purpose and hopes engulfed by the new surveillance way of living. It feels like capitalism is trying to erase us while desperate for what we provide. Though that sounds like I'm trying to say photographers have more importance than other people. I don't mean that and I never would. Now almost everyone can have the ability to take pictures and yet the capitalists wants to steal our capability to examine the world through creativity and sharing memories, info, and communication with one another. I feel that for all people who want to make images whether they see themselves or want to be artists, the capitalists want to take authorship from us. 

They have turned photography as a weapon to be used against one another from state surveillance to your next door neighbor. To wander into paranoia territory feeling it's like they saw the internet as a way to lure a mass amount of people to giving themselves over and not merely owning them eventually but stripping them away as if they didn't mean anything ultimately. With tools like the current AI stealing people's image and likeness for their own gains, but I don't see a high amount of money to be made with this as an economic model. I believe it's to make people feel there is not much meaning and to desensitize them and get them to accept terrible things inflicted on them. They will accept into being custodians in the elites's company towns or work at the Evangelical mega churches vacation resorts in the off season. That's a better way to look at this AI disaster. Is that too paranoid? How is anyone suppose to feel that much different?