Something that is misguided from very well meaning liberal/progressive/left/pro choice people who comment that it's men who are wanting rules & laws to force women & girls into giving birth, is that some of the most active & hardcore voices in the forced birth movement are & have been women
Also to note while people who aren't women can go through pregnancy, the forced birth movement is not interested in ALL people giving birth. Over time this will become more apparent as they attempt to police, surveillance & restrict the "undesirables" from reproducing.
Already happens to disabled people but will be broadened as the blanket terminology of who the "undesirables" & "unfit" are that we need to get a handle on & control spreads in mainstream discourse. Attempts will be made to make this language & goal acceptable & palpable to the public.
What will be the response when in the past few years in this Covid world so many have been thrown away & cast out to the wolves at the mercy of government neglect, business exploitation, & other's personal comfort? I'm unfortunately skeptical because of the left's mass failure to confront this.
If reproductive care & abortion rights which is self determination & liberation of the self & from systems to weigh down & exploit are seen as a side issues or 'it's matter of fact but don't need to write articles about it in our leftist publications, leave that to the annoying liberal platforms'Then what are we even doing? Also if wearing a mask is so difficult or seen as a side issue, what will possibly be this mass radical arrangement of coming together look like in real practice not just our wildest dreams & hopeful imaginations?