Sunday, December 15, 2024

So does anyone else find it curious how Google has been dismantling information off it's search engines for past couple years (and if you haven't been paying attention it's undeniable now) and wondering what are they doing? Pour a glass of water out for every time you type in the Google search engine because the Generative AI that pops out unprompted is destroying our home (the planet, though no one should own the internet). Why do they want to take away the enjoyment of the internet from us? Is it just the Neo-liberalism? The tech fash vultures won't let the peasants have fun and free information and communication. It's eerily a perfect storm of an opportunity for an authoritarian government to take advantage of. Wow almost got worried there for a moment. I'm glad the American public has such a vast number of highly politically engaged and critically thinking and most of all thoughtful individuals. Whom are interested and invested in not only an abstract idea but the actual practice of collective wellbeing for society and one another, that they would never let an awful reality like that befall them. I'm so ever thankful we haven't had any recent consequential elections to put this to the test...