Monday, December 23, 2024

Imagine being so cruel and miserable you still go into the Parkland survivors social media pages to harass them and tell them they are stupid for not wanting to die by gun violence? Which they wanted to advocate for because they survived a mass shooting at their school. Imagine being a fucking loser and low life like that? Imagine that these people are all around us? I know Hogg has talked about attempts on his life through swatting. That hyena conspiracy cabbage patch congresswoman followed him and made thinly veiled threats that she had a gun in her bag. But the right can get away with just about anything and get elected and rewarded. 

It reminds me of someone I was friends with when I was younger whom I immediately unfollowed from a volatile post they made against the Parkland kids  early on when the protests occurred. Written as one of those first person social media outbursts we all see, that most of us have done toward someone who would never hear us back. The wording was brief but its tone was as if this person had been in the room with the Parkland kids, being cornered with them and they were demanding for the person to hand their gun over. 

I hate being reminded of all the cruelty we know of people around us, in our orbit and those we care for. That no matter our concern and affection for the people we are attached to who are this way, it will not be an elixir as much as we don't want to believe that. It took me many years and many people I felt I lost and did lose to finally accept that. All the hateful people we don't know that we know. 

I think to hang on to so much psychological attachment to a gun as some of these people do, there must be an intense fear of death and the inevitability of it. That it's not merely some macho posturing but life terrifies you deep down every day, yet you are afraid of death even more. You're going to fight against every second, every breath, every inch of this inescapable reality. And no one is going to get in your way for your right to kill someone and anyone out of this fear of death manifested. You get to be the killer before death comes knocking on your door one day. 

All the hateful people, all the rage full ones, and all the fearful and tired ones that our love can't heal or do anything about this specific electric current inside them that keeps their souls haunted.