Monday, May 20, 2024

Remember the Floyd protests? Because everyone else seems to forget. What a time in every state and it went around the world. The cops beating the shit out of people sometimes the media itself on camera and in the end they get away with whatever they like. A Men in Black cultural memory wipe. People out there because they knew something was wrong that something has to be better. Now that gets brushed aside?? people came out because they were bored, it was trendy (??). 

Now we got a Cop City destroying a forest. Biden gave more money to the cops than ever. A black Donald Trump Democrat mayor for NYC. Netflix remaking Beverly Hills Cop into a series. Cops as TV entertainment is back. Patrisse betrayed people and denied doing that leaving lasting damage. Black men motivated to vote for Trump. Police budgets swelling. The person who was president who could be president again, who let cops be attacked and die related to Jan. 6th is supported mostly by police still (not surprised but it’s something to at least point out) and the blue lives matter crowd no matter how much Biden and the Democrats love the police. 

Did the fascists see those people out there four years ago and think cynically if they can be motivated for the right things maybe they will become disenchanted and we can get them on our side? They sure did and it looks like it's working. Good job whoever. 

It’s extremely dangerous to memory hole the Floyd protest the way it has been especially in a moment where fascism is ascending around the world and the ruling class is lining up to fill their pockets and help it along. As well as mainstream and independent media outlets, social media platforms, entertainment companies, celebrities, cultural critics, even the fucking art world infiltrated by the fascists through being funded by heterodox and anti woke bullshit peddlers. Those crypto nazi podcast cunts had on the CRT moral panic scammer and he was arguing in defense of Chauvin I read. The execution of Jordan Neely a year ago and the reaction of 'well actually....' was also disturbing and I wondered if this was a sign to come a cultural backlash. There have been so many incidences I keep collecting and trying to read if it's something more.

It's strange to see all these amazing pro Palestine and anti genocide protests yet in the comments and in articles and interviews no one mentions the Floyd protests at all the these young people grew up seeing and participating in likely. ???? Did Covid damage so much memory and hope? On another note I notice much silence of the professional celebrities liberal activists who loved speaking up in Trump years and talking about how they speak out for social justice and now crickets for Gaza. The best are wealthy white women entertainers who rescinded their white privilege cards  during the Floyd protests to speak out and now take it out exclaiming they don't benefit from it to excuse Palestinian genocide. Don't make excuses for people worth a tens of million dollars who have had a fruitful long life in American pop culture.

In Palestine they put up a mural for Floyd during that time, it's so fucking heartbreaking. I hope people are not going to memory hole this but my faith in the long term cultural memory of fight and resistance is mostly remaining faithless.