Friday, May 24, 2024

For some reason one of the worst places for opinions on the Gaza genocide is on the worldnews sub on reddit. I see the flames of hate, dismal, and delusion toward what is happening to the Palestinians. 

'The numbers of people killed are not true.' 

'Why do queer people care about Palestinians?' 

'They elected Hamas' 

'Trump will be worse you virtue signaling progressives'

'You would do the same thing what Israel is doing if it happened to your country' 

Other dehumanizing sentiments to that effect are regularly reconfirmed glowingly and celebrated. And these are the good liberals making the bulk of the commentary. The people who would never dream of voting for Trump. Those who still make 2018 jokes about Trump to keep each other in good spirits on social media and irl, to not deal with the pain of the reality we are in another election year with him as the nominee. People who really believe the good moderate Republicans are going to save the election this time. 

The good liberals who really never question if they themselves are always on the right side. To check in from time to time. Anyone should do that. The types of people posting would be highly insulted to be challenged otherwise. Some people think this is some feature of liberals but I contend it's not. They are just like regular humans afraid to be wrong, deathly afraid and to become humbled by that sort of awareness, it's too much to bear. Get back in five years.

The worst sentiments of the worldnews reddit sub were yet to come. The other day Biden got his Great War Criminal Bush Weapons of Mass Destruction moment saying a genocide is not happening and it's outrageous to suggest that. Yes the person who had the temporary and bad idea to have a disinformation czar at one point to combat the online world, is spreading massive disinformation of his own. Everyone can see what is going on through their phones and if they so chose which many do not. However the ones watching it on their phones horrified and helpless are not supposed to believe our own eyes? That's literally the memo. 

So like clockwork on the reddit post people in the comments were agreeing wholeheartedly with No Malarkey Joe. The people who believe they are on the right side and would never support an outright fascist like Trump agreeing to this should scare you. But I have been scared of how people lie and deceive themselves of the awful thing that is happening but not happening since Covid phase 1 four years ago. There is a strange but I guess a way to work through the horror school of thought Biden is doing this on purpose and trying to get Trump elected, as if this is a big complex conspiracy, it's incompetence not malevolence of political strategy. 

I don't care about Palestinians political beliefs as prerequisite for their safety, livelihood and humanity. My support is not conditional on what someone thinks or believes in for me to not want this for them. I don't want this for anyone. Never again means now and means everyone. My politics means no bombing people to hell and back and starving them to death. And no it's not just because it's a large number of women and children but for the men too. They don't deserve to be collateral and dehumanized. To put it another way for other people in hoping a lightbulb clicks 'care for humanity', women and children are left as the survivors of the men they lose. If you care about them you should care about them losing the men in their lives, connect the dots. 

Don't lose your sensitivity and humanity for a political body that would feed you to the wolves if your cause/your belief became politically a battleground and the donors pressure wins out. Always keep eyes out. It's also like when people want poor and hungry children fed but their parents are addicts so they can't support help for them. You see this with how immigrants have been discussed.  Going from kids in cages, to get them out of here, to kids being killed is unfortunate in war, is a hell of a whiplash. It's America so many juggling contradictions at one time.