Saturday, May 25, 2024

Maybe a hot take on the youth and reactionary reasonings? Andrew Tate is not stronger than you in making a better world to reach others.

There is a lot of buzz of young people regressing and becoming reactionary and a lot more buzz that this is the sole fault of the online world, like the Andrew Tates, and whatever Musk is shoveling into the twitter algorithms and Google through YouTube. 

Yet I think people really ignore the impact of kids growing up in a pandemic where their lives and livelihoods as well as the people they cared about were thrown away and discarded and labeled as disposable. They saw many of their own parents, teachers, and community not give a shit about them. Why wouldn't that radicalize and/or numb them and they lash out from the culture they had grown up in and absorbed? Why would the kids be ok? No one is allowed to speak how traumatic Covid was. 

There was an Instagram post Bernie made about free tests being available still and some dipshit said "unfollowed." Besides Bernie (and maybe Pressely, haven't checked in awhile) government dropped it as an issue. Yeah it's not just the people around us but many of our own people who we put in charge to help. I hear Tammy Baldwin's office is getting flooded regularly with people with long covid asking for help. Bernie was trying to put up something recently I think for research. The eugenists have beat the public, private sector and government down

These young men that are becoming reactionaries and it's the fault of the internet is I feel not telling honestly of people's lives. Many in the figureheads spaces of left/progressive are always looking to blame everything else then looking at the missed signs and warnings. Instead blame it on Ben Shapiro and women on social media complaining about men, rather then reflect and observe 'oh wow missed an opportunity to organize on this and ask others, so how do we go about mending it?' No one ever comes to second part. As if we all aren't on the same internet with the same tools at our disposal. 

I was thinking this years ago 'I hope some white men get involved talking off young white men off the cliff of patriarchy that leads to nihilism.' Imo many seemed to hope women would take up the challenge. Growing up a lot of my company/friend group/close companions were teen boys and they were always susceptible to an edgy and not caring way of being not taking the world seriously. I think a lot of young men feel the world abandons them. And it does, it's a core feature of patriarchy and our system. Yet Andrew Tate is not stronger than you in making a better world to reach others. Stop handing fascist reconfirmation and power.