Friday, May 10, 2024

  Photography, it's crazy how the photo world is divorced from speaking of the photography being utilized in what is going on in Gaza and that being on social media as well. We are liars and cowards of our craft if we ignore the function and role of photography in the first genocide of the 21st century we see unfolding on our screens. 

 I guess at the rate of technology we must combine video in many conversations about photography as well. Though they are different mediums of functioning yet they are both visual communication tools for the private, sharing of the personal, selling of the personal, and political.

We not only see through these technologies but hear the horror of what Palestinians are facing. I hope that punctures at least some people's hearts and headspace though it doesn't seem to get to the right ones with the power. Because those in power are reenforced and nurtured that they must be divorced in certain contexts. 

Politics before people, political games before human lives. Corporations over people living out to be full human beings. Profits over what mental, psychological, emotional potential and comfort we could have in our everyday lives. People tell you it's not possible, to go back to work because the boss of their boss of their boss believe people are disposable and need to serve the man.

When I try to imagine the horror of people in Gaza it's only a flash, it's an evil that can't be reached through the screen. What is the complicity of merely bearing witness? There is no real guidelines to all this in the context of viewing this on social media. Is it a question that can be answered truthfully and given easy guidance on? 

Though there are plenty of assholes reactionary to liberal and say you're being too sensitive and virtue signaling consuming a form of torture porn war trauma being hypocritical, but it's like people are dying fuck off with that. We know where some of you will likely be with a fascist regime slowly unfolding into place (it's actually happening now under Biden in the red states and the states who are not fully red but are controlled by red congress houses and governors) you'll be drinking Starbucks disaffected.

May 9, 2024 - 3:44pm