Thursday, May 30, 2024

It's never answered (let alone asked) why AI needs to take over the arts. Who asked for AI tools to take over photography, film, and writing? Why does that need to happen? Who benefits from this because it certainly doesn't seem to be artists. Are people writing to the companies, protesting in the streets, complaining on social media in demanding that AI take over artistic and creative outlets? People should be asking bigger questions of the people and corporations looking to destroy art. It should be presumed that this is the goal to destroy art and attempting to disconnect humans from it, from the process and consumption. 

If one were to not go down a fully dark path of why they want to place art in the hands of automated machines, I do proposition one aspect from seeing how these tech vultures think. There is a fantastically stupid idea looping in the money machine heads that the public will want to talk to machines over people and that people will want art made solely by machines. It's the stupidest idea but they are throwing billions at it and destroying and disrupting whole industries to make the point that it's not, that this is what the people want. They think of humans as disposable servants and merely animals with basic and barbaric qualities at their core, no separation from their fellow beasts. Those beasts whose habitats keep getting demolished and destroyed again and again. The money machine men said this is the way of man, the way of our nature and fate.

Every construction I see on a patch of landscape that not needed any disruption has gotten me more angry over the years. Realizing that no piece of land, no grass, no trees, no insects, no bodies of water, no even formation of rocks is safe should make us enraged en masse but it doesn't. Trees torn up for Stuffed Puffs. And this is called progress. This is what we are born and die into for this goal by a few greedy and idiotic individuals, and the rest of us who keep going along till we can't.

This makes capitalism the most unforgivable system that has been wrought upon all of us without our asking, without our consent because we wouldn't have consented. I am not a person with great faith in humanity for people to always do the right thing but I know this much. Deep down most people know it to but they can't find any way to stop the powers that they are trapped under jugging along.