Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Buckle up it's time to give up because we are riding the high speed train to political disaster is not a slogan or solution, why don't some of you get it?

Buckle up and we are already completely fucked, Project 2025 is already here, so it can't get worse actually, while saying in the same breath it will get worse, so get armed. This not a strategy or a plan its rescinding the future to full throttled fascism. What are we suppose to do? Some wonder why the left is not taken seriously electorally and solely blame the DNC here but so many of you just throw away and trash the future after a couple attempts and losses.

You think being armed in the streets against the fascists and passing around books about theory that do not fully apply anymore to our current landscape that will win the fight you all talk about winning? I wasn't some hero over these last years or before but I don't believe in a lot of you who want to be figureheads and mouthpieces who have had no plans of your own in the last couple years. Many of you couldn't even stay masked Covid wave after Covid wave. This also before vaccines, indoors of all places. What resilience are you going on about? You think you'll be in the history books with your social media takes when you'll just be footnotes or like most people, forgotten to the fates of time. 

We have one of the greatest mobilizing issues of our time and so many are completely oblivious blowing it because the same people blew it off for years as important. Abortion has been taken for granted long enough by the Democrats and needs to stop being taken for granted by anyone who says they are on the left. The winning coalition issue all across the political spectrum and so many of you can't wrap your head around it still. Normal people are motivated by it, you know the biggest voting block.

I really also hate the scorch earthing of liberals on social media we have bigger problems we aren't in 2016-2020 anymore, but it's like how some people never leave high school and social media is their playground to pile on and harass whoever whenever. Did you really survive the pandemic to waste your time like this? 

Who is helping to stop those books bans, organizing and gathering signatures for abortion amendments, canvassing door to door in midterms and special elections, voting against the school boards from being overtaken by Christian nationalists? Those cringe wine mom resistance liberals you complain about all day as well as the left/progressives who know how to organize and not belittle them. We are outnumbered by normies. I can tell some of you haven't canvassed. If you can't talk to a hypocritical liberal I don't believe your bragging of flipping around your MAGA family or co workers to socialism. 

What is the benefit of all women and people with reproductive capabilities losing them? What’s the point of letting Trump build mass concentration and deportation camps? How does it help anyone with all trans people being outlawed, LGBTQ marked as child predators? Who is saved by more Supreme Court seats (and other judges appointed) becoming more far right? 

Why let a president have power to push and bully schools out of vaccine mandates? What are your plans in all this disaster unfolding? How is Biden fully comparable to Trump? Why are so many of you so despondent and lost that you don’t have anything to offer but doomerism? Why do you think you need to be in the positions and taking up platforms being the figureheads and moral voices? 

I think the Trump presidency years inflated too many people into believing they could be resistance martyrs to lead a brand new way. It has done a number on some psychologically and been a disservice for anything considering solidarity with one another, not that that was ever a given. We are all stuck with one another and sharing the same internet and planet and that won't change. Did you really survive the pandemic to waste your time like this? 

Maybe you're rightfully bone and soul deep tired. Maybe you don’t need to put yourself as being the voice of conscious anymore. Maybe you’ve come to realize no one has all the answers. Maybe it’s time for some of you to be humbled out of the positions of social media political amplifications you feel ennobled and reinforced by large followers and retweets, likes, and posts. Maybe it might save some sanity. 

Maybe I don’t know anything. Maybe we are already fucked. Yet why should I just accept and take that? Why should millions of other people feeling lost, hopeless and dejected be given that advice? The fascists want us to give up. They are happy seeing all this amplified. They love your black pilled, irony pilled, "both sides are the same" 'liberals are fascists too' and making enemies of people 80% on your side. They aren’t worried about you out there if Trump gets back in. They knew people blew the last years of protest in the Trump years, they see the momentum was folded. They’re waiting when Trump orders protesters to be executed point blank in the street. I can’t believe so many people can’t see it, can they feel it, or is it all just drowned by hopelessness and rage?

Why are some people so convinced they are going to lead a revolution? People like this are not saboteurs but they can't help you, they can't help themselves they are barely surviving day to day like many of us. This is why my politics is more of a no gods no masters flavor, this approach feels like the only long term sustainable way to not burn out or be gutted completely when it comes to politics.

I think why am I suppose to surrender on the bullet train to catastrophe that no one can do anything about what so ever? I'm under no illusions of a future possibility of being steam rolled and bare knuckling against an unstoppable Christian Nationalist forced birth eugenist psychopathic dictatorship but I’m not taking it lying down in this election year.