Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wow Germany. Almost a hundred years but you decided to celebrate welcoming fascism back early. Macron is doing a coup that he thinks he can get away with (because he didn't expect the left to get it together) when all of his terms combined have been mass protests throughout about his government. 

We still have our American disaster here and you don't need to worry he can do whatever he wants and nobody is going to do anything about it except maybe the electoral college. Things that would have been career ending for anyone and everyone else are not. The press picks him back up and claps him on the back saying 'It's ok Donny keep going! Don't put us in camps with all the people you plan to deport!' For his fans everything is a feast. Dedication to an annihilator. Dedication to such scum. But that's considered impolite and divisive to say you are horrified how this can be supported. 

However the liberals and left are all supposedly irredeemable human scum and pedos and groomers ready to kill and eat your children after they turn them trans and abort them. Don't worry about this right wing rhetoric it won't lead anywhere just normalize it and go back to sleep. Because if they really believed this, what would be the forgone conclusion? Despite the right wing media having been training their audience on these messages from mere suggestions to absolute truths. Pumped into their brains 24/7 at accelerating speeds. Can't you see that would mean walking right into a Germany like scenario from almost a century ago? If Germany can’t learn why would we who are less educated and aware of our own history? Yet the worse many are even less interested. They just need that reset button that the annihilator is asking to press on in exchange for their vote.