Sunday, September 15, 2024

The blood libel against Haitian immigrants sprinting from online to real life consequences has Satanic Panic vibes and the 2016 clown sighting panic cobbled together in a fascist trench coat. In my opinion this also has the scent of being pre manufactured talking point. As taking racist bullshit on the internet and passing it around the right wing outrage social media personalities and news outlets to catch on. I don't think anyone expected the Stephen King clown to do well against an experienced prosecutor so they needed a distraction in case it brought momentum toward Harris and it even is in battle with Taylor's endorsement news cycling. The UK race riots a month back were a sort of a preview for what can likely happen here very soon that goes beyond who wins or loses in November. Can we ever win when the other side is intent on crushing us all and the Democrats have decided maybe we can compromise? 

I'm so exhausted but I see signs, flags, t-shirts, bumper stickers and it feels they are just getting started. That we will be sport soon enough. I spotted an older white man wearing "We the People, Means Everyone" down my street today and I literally parked as fast as could to get out of my car and tell him I really liked his shirt. That was nice recognition. I have no idea why politics like this makes me so outgoing and my social anxiety falls away from my usual wanting to hide. I think because this is too important and I want to tap people in 'I'm here to support you' to not be alone nor afraid, even if I am, we are here. We live here too. This is our place also. Stop making us feel we have to be afraid and tremble, as if you deserve all the respect. We are not going anywhere.