Wednesday, July 10, 2024

It's so crazy out here I can barely concentrate despite watching this all play out. Maybe we are fucked. I'm watching people navigate and there is so much denialism and accusations of sabotage, the recent one by none other than George Clooney who somehow wants Biden and all the Democrats to lose even though he hosted a fundraiser for Biden raising millions of dollars. Even though had made an angry call when the administration threatened the ICJ because his wife was part of the ruling that Israel is committing war crimes, and he's probably had to bite his tongue for months supporting him because of the grandeur stakes of Trump and all the theocratic fascist lined up. 

People I've been communicating with or haven't returned back in touch seem to not get what is happening and there needs to be boldness and bravery just what the French did in unconventional times they said fuck no and did what seemed inconceivable. They fought betting that the majority do not want fascism. They swung for the fences. They have a history though and actual left political bodies in their government. The will the fucking will power only in a matter of weeks! If it all gets swept away here I don't see how the Democratic Party survives not just merely being purged but the voters wanting to vote and believe in them. If this is the best they can do, who gets excited for that? Maybe something can be turned watching some party figures choice of words and public calls for the man to already end his dying campaign, because we are all dying here, we want a fight to not make that final in November.