I'm never on twitter anymore except a brief peak .05% of the time so maybe someone else has pieced this together. The recent overturning of the Chevron Doctrine by the Supreme Court is setting up the framework of a Christian theocracy and this all we need to understand going forward. The gutting of federal agencies and regulations will make this much easier to implement. Think of it simply. A USA where the ten commandments will be on public transportation and a mandated prayer that you will be required to participate in before your flight takes off. Those are the tame things in what they have planned. It's happening here. The eugenicists that have also overtaken public discourse and influence will be glad to take away vaccines and those medications for the undesirables. I wonder what Octavia Butler would say.
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Friday, June 28, 2024
I guess I just don't have much expectations these days in the political landscape to have a response to the event last night that proved fears are valid and evil lives on alive and well as it gorges and demands second helpings from the media, corporations, and elites. Trump is feasting and elated. Demanding more and more extractions of money, favors, brides, threats, blackmail, schemes to keep him breathing. I refuse to give myself a panic attack when I have many other things to grapple with unrelated that are already giving me near panic attacks.
Hope and politics are a bad mix. Yet we have to live here and get up in the morning. It's a real unsolvable dilemma.
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
I swear if some on the fucking OP-ed authoring online left are working on writing another damn think piece ignoring abortion as a working class issue🤬…
ABORTION IS KITCHEN TABLE ISSUES! It is economics! It’s the MOST kitchen table issue ever. Attaining and acquiring reproductive freedom is freedom and liberation from the government ruling over your life and the lives of those you care about. That provides self determination and dignity for people’s own choices and to live life on their own terms not the ruling class’s and certainly not the government dictating it.
Isn’t this a part of working class consciousness? I think the working class would like that message. Why can't some people push this through their class first filter instead of whining about it being a culture war issue? I don’t trust your analysis if that is what you have concluded about abortion and reproductive rights from the past two years. I don’t think your advice is something full and foundational in the long term ignoring this. But sure act like you know because of where you are published and who you know on the circuit. The worst is not that you are charlatans because that's not the problem, you're not. It's worse, you're cowards.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Just in some sort of state of acceptance and sorrow for what appears to be Bowman losing tonight to the crypt keeper Zionist. Looks like something right out a TV show coded as the bad guy fitting with his racist rhetoric that a sizable slice of liberal moderate democrats who love voting in primaries also secretly agree with. The 90s lives on in their minds. I laugh when conservatives paint and accuse NYC and California being liberal beacons on the hill. They know so little, we don't have to agree but honesty would be a good starting point. What Bowman needs are people who agree with most of what he says but are not interested in primaries. I'm just amazed how people throw away the future all the time. The malpractice and neglect. The indifference. Doesn't it just shatter your whole heart? Only mine.
The artist Paul McCarthy (not the Beatle Paul McCartney) was interviewed a couple months back about his process and he talked about how he is the first person he thinks of when he is making something otherwise he wouldn't be making art he'd be making entertainment. That struck a deep chord in me. Not only because I thought 'man you are singing my song' but how much people interact with art in the last decade has felt like a customer on demand exchange that I have been observing uncomfortably online. The entitlement is astounding.
'You have to entertain and please me and if you don't I will not only complain but I will go to you personally through social media and/or company/label/management site/account/email and demand you cater to me. You can’t run I’m your audience. You can’t hide I own you because I indulge your work and I call the shots around here.'
It's insidious and it seems to get worse over time. Like I'm sorry you didn't like the experience or the feelings of what happened during or after you consumed an artistic output but that's a well known possible side effect. There is so much rage about, people even petition at times. It must be a nightmare working in TV or in comics where this is the most prevalent and especially sci-fi and fantasy genres. Just write some fan fiction and leave artists alone they don't have to answer to you. If it were me I would say you can criticize all you want and rip it to shreds but get the fuck out of my house with your demands to cater. Not that I’m being asked or anyone has been knocking on my door, maybe that gives me this perspective because my house has been so quiet. I’ve never made art with anyone else in mind at the end of the day and that will always win out at the end of the day.
Sunday, June 23, 2024
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
I don't know how as photographers we are suppose to make sense of the world anymore. Our placement, intentions, feelings of purpose and hopes engulfed by the new surveillance way of living. It feels like capitalism is trying to erase us while desperate for what we provide. Though that sounds like I'm trying to say photographers have more importance than other people. I don't mean that and I never would. Now almost everyone can have the ability to take pictures and yet the capitalists wants to steal our capability to examine the world through creativity and sharing memories, info, and communication with one another. I feel that for all people who want to make images whether they see themselves or want to be artists, the capitalists want to take authorship from us.
They have turned photography as a weapon to be used against one another from state surveillance to your next door neighbor. To wander into paranoia territory feeling it's like they saw the internet as a way to lure a mass amount of people to giving themselves over and not merely owning them eventually but stripping them away as if they didn't mean anything ultimately. With tools like the current AI stealing people's image and likeness for their own gains, but I don't see a high amount of money to be made with this as an economic model. I believe it's to make people feel there is not much meaning and to desensitize them and get them to accept terrible things inflicted on them. They will accept into being custodians in the elites's company towns or work at the Evangelical mega churches vacation resorts in the off season. That's a better way to look at this AI disaster. Is that too paranoid? How is anyone suppose to feel that much different?
Monday, June 17, 2024
Been meaning to write out a longer thing on here (while taking notes personally) of how around the past six months I've been noticing all these big names lining up to eat Trump's dirt. Many I believe are being paid off for it but regardless their collaborators. However I did want to note one piece of shit that came out unmasked I just saw. This guy Logan Paul, a social media persona turned wrestler had Trump on his podcast and pretty obviously endorses him without spelling it out. I guess it makes sense for Paul, the person who had a sociopathic desire to film a dead body for content in a forest known for people who take their own lives, would relish in the grotesque by posing with a maniacal big league sociopath. Remember Trump got about eight people killed connected to Jan. 6th? No? I bet many don’t as it’s rarely brought up even with MSNBC’s incessant coverage of the topic. Which yes you should care about Jan. 6th if you are a leftist it’s not just lib stuff. What has gotten into some of you? The parallels of 1930s Germany creep in and yet so many seem to not hear its warning cries.
Too bad Biden and the Democrats don't use this info of Trump’s right there connection to getting people killed on Jan. 6th in their ads. Maybe it's legal reasons? Likely not though. I feel the Democrats think hitting their opponents and bringing them to the floor is not appropriate. But that’s what people like about Trump and it goes great with his longtime connection to the world of a sport that metaphorically is grinding people into the dirt and ruling over them.
All these celebrities laughing along and getting hard imagining the dollars and back door access to an authoritarian regime is quite sickening but nothing new in history. The peasants who will get crushed will keep buying these ghouls products and consuming their entertainment skills.
Friday, June 14, 2024
Remember when two years ago a bunch of 'I stand up for human rights and against human wrongs' celebrities rushed to support the violent sociopathic Depp? Then there were regular women online who cried out that they support women and abuse victims that lavishly defended him, slobbering all over Captain Jack's rusting meat hook? Propaganda works.
Yet remember what the worst was? The people who knew better. Not his friends, not his fans, people whose job it is to know better. Big women and feminist organizations with their massive platforms and figureheads abandoned Amber Heard. In hindsight that ended up helping to nurture a regressive backlash to women and speaking out that you see now. Do you remember? Because I do.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
"AI products like ChatGPT much hyped but not much used, study says" 28 May 2024 By Tom Singleton, Technology reporter
"Large parts of the public are not particularly interested in generative AI, and 30% of people in the UK say they have not heard of any of the most prominent products, including ChatGPT," Dr Fletcher said."
Mmm I wonder why🧐🤔
Maybe people are interested in communicating with one another and finding out information from other humans. Novel idea! Have you heard of reddit by any chance and seen how people use it? People are not just interested in what living people have to say but the dead also! They are more interested in this instead of asking an automated machine response. Why is this? Because simply people like being informed by other people or communicating with them in some form 90% of the time. We have been programmed by evolution to seek communication with one another. Even the most solitary introvert finds themself happy among things humans have created.
Who could have predicted this? 🙈🙉🙊🙋
Don't worry they will be asking people to help them soon enough to "assist" where people and AI can converge but you can't tell the audience/consumers because they won’t like it.
So they will want to hire the people to make the machine communications mimc being “human” 🫠
Don’t worry they will be pouring billions of dollars to fix this and shove more AI down our throats as the oceans warm and rise, the tornados pick up speed and geography, and the forests burn and choke the air because the tech gods of progress said so.
Monday, June 10, 2024
I see Macron is choosing para-suicide for France. Seeing Germany’s ugly results I never want to hear again that the German population has a better education and understanding of their past that makes them morally superior and less susceptible to fascism because that has been blown out the window. I'm not thrown off and upset in the way that I have been prepared for this outcome as it had been reported on for months. Macron changing the rules for the pension also was going to have reverberations.
Been looking up on reddit different theories of Macron’s political suicide or 4D chess move but it varies and I think it's quite a gamble. After his forcing of the constitution change I have always wondered is Macron a sleeper cell agent. I have no idea this man's political "instincts" seem all over the map. Why is the left so disorganized there, like you literally have an electoral history that American left could only dream of, so what is this malpractice? You got close in the presidential, what went wrong? Though Germany takes the prize for being the worse after the Greens had won a good amount of seats in 2019. The ADF on record about deporting not just immigrants but people who sympathize with them at a Hitler hideaway. Hope whatever the left/liberal were doing in strategy they abandon it immediately.
One of the worst outcomes is that far right has no concern for climate change and Europe is trapped for five years now and no one is going to do anything about the climate crisis as usual. The wealthy sit on their hands and the average person goes about their life not wanting to change the thing that will upheaval their lives and potentially kill their children or make them climate refugees. A lot of people sat home as well for this election. Well done. On a little less gloomy note, some countries were pleasant surprises of beating back the right and some left wing gains, so that's a nice thing.
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Scared for Europe. I was thinking a dark thought this morning back to the time of the Norway mass shootings. He purposely targeted a political youth camp for their progressive politics they were the Worker's Youth League. And I wonder if in the end he somewhat succeeded with his goal as the far right has caught onto the youth all around Europe.
I'm sorry for the young people. I'm sorry you are going down this path. I'm sorry you were failed by your governments, communities, friends and families. We like to think of combatting these issues on an individual level but this is a larger issue of the culture and community one is in. Individualistic answers will never replace the communal solutions needed. That seems almost impossible in the face of it all in this moment. We have problems here now, though no one wants to say Covid took hold and the youth saw themselves being thrown away their health and safety were secondary to the ruling class's money making schemes and the selfishness of the people in their personal lives. This segment also has one of the lowest vaccinations rates. The past four years with everything they are saying to hell with all of it.
Breivik and Roof are smiling. McVeigh, Rockwell and Kaczynski are very proud in their infernos. Stieg Larsson is crying in a better afterlife somewhere.
June 8-9, 2024
(written before election results however long that will take)
Saturday, June 8, 2024
Heard that Alex Jones is selling off his ranch to escape the blood money he made and money he owes terrorizing Sandy Hook survivor parents. I have been waiting for over a decade to see this man's collapse and become a full-time social pariah. Hasn't happened enough. Going to CVS a few months ago I saw a young man around nineteen or a little older wearing an InfoWars shirt and that kind of sad and deep loner gaze in his eyes, so Jones still has the people he has infected amongst the population going about day to day drunk on the poison. One of the biggest issues of his notoriety and place in the public sphere is unfortunately due to a very popular big dummy conspiracy brained meathead energy podcaster always giving him cover. Anyone who considers Jones a friend is not to be trusted. I have no idea why this isn't a redline for people with all this other podcaster's bullshit controversies this one has for some reason been lower than the others or not on the radar at all. Those blackpill intellectually frail nazi tradcath podcast duo also had Jones on. All shits and giggles with these kinds of people who are entertainers and reactionaries not counter culture thinkers and subversive voices speaking to uncomfortable truths. All the people slobbering over these charlatans in their orbits from all industries boggles my mind. A wide range (some don't cross over to note but they are part of the universe) from John Waters to Aaron Rodgers, The Rock to Chloe Sevigny to even Stanley Kubrick's daughter. Did you know Alice Walker once mentioned Jones? God kill us already. This culture has no resistance to egotistical bullshit it craves it.
Friday, June 7, 2024
Read a devastating breakdown of the loss of the political fire of the working class in Germany before Hitler rose to power thanks to the Social Democrats and the Communists political parties inabilities to work together. Prior I have heard that it was the Social Democrats fault and some in the present day claimed that’s why liberals overall can’t be trusted. But I guess it was a miscalculating disaster of a thousand cuts on both sides. So it’s interesting to read and find out plenty of blame to go around, not just those liberals who happen to ruin everything who are actually fascists so don’t talk to them. Great strategy. The piece goes into this same arguments I hear online that was in Germany’s past that helped doom it.
The parallels to the current online liberal and left fighting, and left infighting here today is uncanny and frightening. I say online because I’m not in offline spaces politically though seems it’s irl as well. What’s also scary is that the Social Democrats thought they could be the adults in the room and be the equivalent of writing very strongly worded condemnations to stave off fascists dreams and work in bi-partisan utopia till things came back chugging along economically. 'The institutions will protect us in the end.’ Mmm sounds like a current political party today in power.
This piece was written in 1993 and it cites a disturbing poll that one in three Americans were basically susceptible into believing six million Jewish people did not die in the Holocaust. They polled high school students as well, half whom did not feel they knew enough about the Holocaust. One would think older people must have known better yet in the polling they found this an issue with older people as well, it was all dependent on how educated a person was.
Now over thirty years later we have one of the most famous entertainers on the planet being a fan of Hitler and vocalizing Holocaust denialism on a show whose host is a grifting sociopath who put Sandy Hook denialism out into the world. Don’t believe either of their apologies. And in the disaster of American politics a person who is running for governor is a Holocaust denier and he is the state's current Lieutenant Governor. And don't forget the massively bitter TERF billionaire children's author who questioned Holocaust history.
History doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes, it cries a river.
“The History Behind The Holocaust” Nathan Karp
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
I see this toxic language in reproductive rights circles of 'men YOU need to get vasectomies to show you're responsible' ??? Like you want the reverse of coercing people into controlling their reproductive parts by individuals and the state??? No this must stop even if it comes from a 'good' place, a rightfully angry place, or a 'funny' letting off steam place. I got into a debate with someone on social media about it when I was gently commenting on another person's reply challenging this kind of joke. The guy actually thought I made a fair criticism of his use of language but I angered this woman who replied to me saying something to the effect of we have no power over them if we make the jokes or not. I replied saying I didn't understand her approach in responding to me saying it came across as hostile. I explained my reasoning why we shouldn't use this language because they will use everything they can against us. The woman erased their comment and deleted their profile. It was a good comeback I made but I don't believe that's why, likely a bot.
It was on a post of a video of men fighting with abortion clinic escorts. Two or three of them were young men who looked like high school age and kind of awkwardly standing there while forced birthers were wrestling a ladder from some women. The ringleader is a well known person who causes these commotions. The forced birthers were trying to use the ladder for standing on it to then yell through a bullhorn or some bullshit. Ironically if you saw the reproductive rights people do this the police would have them face down in handcuffs. Did you know police do not have a good track record of helping the reproductive rights movement against the forced birthers?
I also see a disturbing (but I understand where it comes form) trend of celebrating people altering their bodies permanently because they know their reproductive choices will be taken or have been taken away by them from the state. We should understand and respect people's personal decisions and obviously if they want to celebrate, but I don't think we should be happy about it. Or at least not call it out as a form of indirect state violence. Can also can add this is also done as a protection against interpersonal violence due to rape/coercion into intercourse/stealthing/birth control sabotage that will rise because the government has decided they can control people's lives this way. Oh you small government and personal freedom conservative hypocrites where is your moral outrage?
Why aren't we talking about the Democrats as the party that is willing to protect women and young girls in their lives for their personal reproductive choices against tyrants who want to demand they bend at their will? Why is this so hard? I don't get how the larger left is so terrible talking about this issue and not wrapping it up in a really easy to tie bow about freedom and liberation of the personal and political? After you have these massive voting surges larger online left spaces just drop the ball focusing onto the next tragedy of this country and/or misfortunes of the world, brought to you by this country at times.
Why is is so difficult for people on the left/progressive/liberal unless they are super feminist branded to organize with a message 'the state will not control my body and my rights for autonomy' 'the state will not force me and my loved ones into reproductive choices' 'the state/federal government is criminalizing women and young girls' god it's such a lay up. I remember reading an article about a woman who was forced to give birth in Florida to a non viable child and she had to watch it die and her father or father in law called it state sanctioned torture and that has stayed with me.
Can you really claim to believe in small government and personal freedoms if you believe people should be forced into giving birth against their will? There should be some self-reflection for some. Maybe some.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
The left here in the US (though this does seem to be an international problem currently, get it together people) is electorally weak. This is not controversial to say yet there are reasons given to waive away why as to not work through it which is massively unhelpful. The lacking and weakness is not merely due to liberal establishment, media, and money. It's also not because the people who always vote in primaries are generally moderate and have digested the dominant cultural messaging that things can only get better increment by increment. To also note about these set of voters they mostly grew up in a world where they have prospered in ways Millennials and Gen Z's current material conditions will not allow. This is the current tension of the economy conversation and people who don't think inflation is a big deal. They are voters of or near a retirement age, going to be grandparents soon, and people who have gained themselves in the comfortable middle class setting and up. They may not like when conservatives say the bootstraps message but they themselves believe that's how they got by in their own personal lives. So while there are significant challenges for the left on an electoral level these reasons are not the sole blame of the left's electoral weakness.
Simply in large organized numbers the left here don't have the drive of right wing Evangelicals to get it done. And I get that sounds like bootstraps logic, yet what can I go by other than years long observations, readings, and the messy reality? The left here would and will never be as well funded as the right wing Evangelicals, but the energy and goals to drive it home above all no matter losses and displeasures is not there. I think a big mistake in hindsight (or I was thinking it at least in 2019 when Bernie had a heart attack) was looking for a savior. That's a terrible strategy. It's fatal to any movement. Hinging on a 'it's only Bernie or we are all fucked message' was a mess and deathblow. The other side of it was a mess to ignore all the weaknesses of a man who was born a compromiser and institutionalist who is thirty years out of date within the current political landscape before 2020.
Yet Covid was the mask ripped off even more than Trump himself. It's a shame. Young people saw people throw them away from government level all the way down to their community, family and friends in the pandemic and you are asking them if they feel ok about the world and the state of things? But somehow no one is allowed to discuss this. Young people being sleepwalked into the message 'it's ok to let the rights of your body anatomy and reproductive capabilities go and into the hands of the state to be monitored, terrorized, surveillance and your family, friends, loved ones forced into giving birth' because the left and liberal divide can't organize consistently together on the scale needed. The spirited political calling and drive of the Evangelical death cult and the right wing Christians with the hand of the randomness of life circumstance of place and time has rewarded them. Yet many will never put two and two together but find time to complain 24/7. So much malpractice but we all have to get up the next day. Not that dropping out of society altogether isn't an enticing idea at this point but they don't make it an affordable option. What a scam.
Monday, June 3, 2024
I always felt the real story of 2016 election year was "It Can't Happen Here" 😏😂😉🙌
Then the years preceding the outcome and consequences of the election outside those who weren't radicalized to the pain dial 😢😬😭😱😳
Now in 2024 election year I keep observing more horrifying declarations. Historically inaccurate black pill 'not a care in the world' overdosing. It feels normal people are unmoved as usual and the people who know better can't stop it.
"It Can't Happen Here, He Didn't Blow Us Up Remember? It's Already Happening Here And It's Always Been This Bad Before You Just Weren't Paying Attention. It Doesn't Matter It Won't Be That Bad Anyway. Yet Again It Will Be Really Bad But That's What This Rotten Country Gets. You're Going To Vote Like It Matters? Weak Stuff, You Don't Have Any Principles. Read Theory/Get Armed/Buckle Up/Organize. You Won't Guilt Me I'm Better and Stronger Than You. See You In The Streets" 😁😂😎😚😜😅
Why would the fascists be worried to mess with us when they see the lack of connection, coordination and the mass discord that surrounds and splinters all around us. Why must history keep stabbing us repeatedly and why are we are doing its own bidding holding the knives to each other's throats?
The light of abortion right fights that I am watching happening here and globally is the only light I feel, and that may be only for a short time.
May 25, 2024