Oh great now with the shit show rising already in the new year, Trump has been given a humungous gift. An opportunity for pseudo martial law (it will not be declared that). The men who killed themselves for whatever point they were making, whatever meaningless political screed thanks for the fucking timing.
Ironically the bird flu looming over us that Biden's Weekend at Biden's team ignored to maintain power left for Trump also to fuck up. Biden as a possible stop gap, as someone who had no idea how to handle the dark ascending was so predictable. Remember the Republicans having a magical epiphany he would claim in his run? The worse was maybe his 'This is America, I'm more optimistic than ever, there is nothing we can't do' schtick though he seemed to believe in that. What a waste of a legacy and power. But that's the run and ruin of empires. The cruel and/or neglectful selfish men and rulers they breed. The eventual wasteland they leave. The price we didn't even get to try and fairly bargain our lives and well-being for.